HH/GH Hereditary or Genetic Hemochromatosis –
Iron Overload
it is
Hereditary Hemochromatosis A surprisingly common, yet virtually unknown genetic disorder. Potentially fatal, easily detected and even though as yet not curable, it is treatable, even life saving if found and treated long before the devastating consequences begin.
HH is fast becoming one of the worlds’ most common though obscure, undetected disorders, affecting hundreds of thousands of people around the world, affecting both men and women. It is a crippling, debilitating and potentially fatal condition caused by a defective gene mutation which affects the way our liver’s metabolic process works. Iron is toxic and therefore can be fatal.
Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism characterized by increased iron absorption, allowing toxic iron deposition in the liver, pancreas, heart, joints, and pituitary gland. Without treatment, death can occur from cirrhosis, primary liver cancer, diabetes, or cardiomyopathy and other heart conditions.
It is also now coming to light that HH is a contributory factor, possibly even a cause of many other serious illnesses, including some of the following:
it affects us:
Debilitating chronic fatigue and weakness
Joint pain. (especially fingers/hands, knees and
Liver cirrhosis and cancer.
Pancreatic Cancer.
Type 2
Cardiomyopathy and other heart
Hemosiderosis. A rare condition in which
too much iron is present in certain organs, most commonly in the lungs
Hepatocellular carcinoma has been reported
to account for 30–45 percent of deaths among the HHC patients according to
reports from the American Oxford Journals 2001 (http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/154/3/193.full)
Bronchitis and Pneumonia
swings impaired memory,
irritability, depression
Skin becomes thin.
Hair thinning and loss, both on hrad and
Abnormal pigmentation of the skin, making
it look gray or bronze
Gall bladder problems
Reduced sex drive, early menopause and Impotence
in men.
Viral infections esp, affecting the mouth
with ulcers
Eyesight problems
There are recent indications that
there is possibly a link to HH and Sjogens syndrome
Promote information on HH and advise on
tests available to ensure prevention before onset of complications
Assist in making GP’s more aware of the
need for testing, both serum ferritin levels and HH genetic testing
Warn people through the media to STOP
promoting vitamin supplements, especially Iron and Vitamin C for people
presenting similar symptoms as in anaemia.
Encourage more research into the genes
responsible for HH *(genome research in cancer patients due to commence soon?).
Encourage the government to test for the HH
gene in new-borns.
· Encourage the NHS to highlight
preventative measures for those with associated symptoms and those who have
already been diagnosed with HH as the complications will undoubtedly be much
more costly.